• Setup your discs in the centre of your board, alternating colours and placing the blue disc (decider) in the middle.
• With 2 players, competitors will be seated across each other. With 4 players, team members will sit across each other. With the Octagon (8) team members will still sit opposite each other.
• Determine who will start the first game (winner of a game will start the following game).
• Shooter can be placed anywhere in/out your own half circle directly in front of you, as long as it touches the line.
• First player will break the ring by shooting their shooter into the ring.
• Players take turns, proceeding clockwise attempting to shoot all discs of their team colour first and lastly the BLUE decider.
• Colour of the team is determined by the colour of the first disc pocketed.
• Player gets another turn if he pockets his own colour. This will continue until he misses a pocket. Then game will move on to the next player to have their turn.
• Never move or touch any discs inside the perimeter of the half circle or anywhere else on the board during the game.
• Any discs taken out of pockets or flicked off the board, should be placed in the centre. Game will proceed with the next player’s turn.
• Shooters not in play should be kept OFF the board until it is their turn!
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